Certain preliminary procedures might be required before you can replace your missing teeth with dental implants. In particular, if you have lost a molar or premolar in your upper jaw, you may need to undergo a sinus lift. What is this procedure? Why is it necessary? And what exactly can you expect from it? Before you commit to anything, you can discover the answers to these questions below.
What is a Sinus Lift?
A sinus lift is a special type of bone graft. It involves lifting the floor of the sinus membrane away from the area where implant posts are meant to be inserted. Grafting material is then used to fill the now-empty space, thus adding the necessary bone density for dental implant surgery.
Why is a Sinus Lift Sometimes Needed Before Dental Implant Placement?
In order to be successful, dental implants need to form a strong bond with your jawbone via a process known as osseointegration. However, this can only happen if there’s a sufficient amount of bone in the area where the implant posts were inserted. Unfortunately, bone loss in the jaw is a common side effect of missing teeth; thus, certain preliminary treatments may have to be performed to replenish bone density before you can be considered a candidate for dental implants.
A sinus lift is performed specifically to prepare for dental implant placement near the back of the upper jaw. Not only does it help address any bone loss that may have occurred, but it also ensures that the sinus cavity won’t be damaged by the implant posts.
How Do Sinus Lifts Work?
The grafting material for a sinus lift is often taken from your own body. A bit of bone tissue may be removed from elsewhere in your mouth or from another area (such as the hip or tibia) so that it can be reapplied to the part of the jaw where bone loss has occurred.
When the sinus lift procedure begins, an incision will be made in the gums where the molars and premolars used to be located. A small hole will be created in the jawbone in order to reveal the sinus membrane, which will be gently lifted. Once the grafting material has been used to fill the space below the sinus membrane, the gum tissues will be sutured shut.
After your sinus lift, you will need to wait for your mouth to finish healing before you can receive dental implants. This often takes around 4 to 9 months, but the exact length of time can vary from patient to patient.
Of course, not every dental implant patient requires a sinus lift. Your dentist will need to thoroughly examine your mouth to determine whether it will be truly necessary in your case. But if you do end up needing the procedure, you can rest assured that it will help set the foundation for long-lasting, reliable replacement teeth.
About the Author
Dr. Shahram Modarres earned his dental degree at the New York University School of Dentistry. He holds membership with the American Academy of Implant Dentistry, and he’s able to offer in-house dental implant surgery, meaning his patients don’t have to worry about seeing an unfamiliar specialist for the procedure. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Modarres at Rockville Family Dentistry, visit his website or call (301) 816-9400.